Christian Education
Sundays 7:15am - 8:30am
dfree® – This is FBCLG’s flagship bible study course. dfree® is a spiritually-based financial movement that offers a 12-step program designed to help individuals become debt-free, create savings and investment plans and make preparations to leave a legacy.
Requirements: Bible; Handbook and a workbook, entitled Say Yes to No Debt.
Facilitator: Deacon Anthony Brooks
Duration: 12 weeks
Sunday afternoons 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus – Finding Christ In the old Testament. This popular bible study course continues to search for Jesus in the Old Testament. Students will again be encouraged to expand their knowledge of Jesus, the Messiah, as He reveals Himself in the prophecies, promises and other predictions of the Old Testament. We will conclude our study of the Book of Exodus and embark upon a study of the Book of Numbers and the Book of Deuteronomy.
Requirements: Bible
Facilitator: Mr. Arthur Mitchell
Duration: 12 weeks
Sunday afternoons 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Biblical View of Disability and Suffering – This new bible study course is for all people who want to understand what it is like to think and live like a Christian with a disability amid suffering. It is NOT just a course for people with disabilities. It is a bible study developed for Christians, caregivers, family members, ministers, and others, who live, work, and serve alongside suffering and people with disabilities. Participants will obtain insight, encouragement, and practical help with understanding what the Bible says about how to love, serve and uplift people that God placed in
your life. The course explores how a loving faith community can meet the student’s needs for discipleship and community; and teach them how to walk alongside others who are afflicted, disabled, and/or marginalized. Finally, students will deepen their understanding of God’s plan for suffering and hardship with answers to questions such as, “Why am I going through this?” and “Where is God when I need him?”
Requirements: Bible
Recommended: The Gospel in Hard Times for Students: Study Guide with Leader’s Notes by Joni and Friends; Scriptural Foundation: I Corinthians 12:12-27
Facilitator: Min. Dr. Jacqueline Jackson
Duration: 9 weeks
Sunday afternoons 3:15pm - 4:30pm
What’s So Good About Good-bye: Blessed Assurance in Grief and Loss – This returning bible study course will empower participants, who may be experiencing or have experienced various types of grief and loss, by providing a discussion on grief and loss. Participants will receive practical and spiritual resources to assist them in processing grief and loss. The bible study will facilitate the participants’ understanding of healthy and unhealthy grief and loss. Biblical Scripture for Course: Matthew 28:20b NIV; “‘And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”
Requirements: Bible; Recommended: Book – Living Without Them-My Journey with Loss by Rev. Dr. Jose H. Tate
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Deborah Stapleton
Duration: 8 weeks
Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
dfree® – This is FBCLG’s flagship bible study course. dfree® is a spiritually-based financial movement that offers a 12-step program designed to help individuals become debt-free, create savings and investment plans and make preparations to leave a legacy.
Requirements: Bible; Handbook and a workbook, entitled Say Yes to No Debt.
Facilitator: Deacon Anthony Brooks
Duration: 12 weeks
Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Excellent Success – This popular Bible study course will seek to help us define success in a manner consistent with God’s Will for our lives. We will highlight both desired characteristics which lead to Godly success as well as hopefully address the negative attributes which prevent many of us from enjoying the peace that God desires for us to have daily. Our goal is to assess where we are today and help prescribe a “Go forward” plan to address the weaknesses so that when we meet our Maker; we can look forward to hearing “Well Done!” Each week, we study scripture and seek examples from the present as well as from the Bible to help us grow into the men and women of God that He has called us to be.
Requirements: Bible
Facilitator: Trustee Charles Corpening
Duration: 12 weeks
Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
FRANgelism: Sharing Our Faith with Friends, Relatives, Associates and Neighbors. As Baptists we believe that once the gospel has been received, it must be shared. Christ commands us to “Go! Make disciples.” This new Bible study course will provide practical tips for lifestyle evangelism – sharing our faith in conversations with our friends, relatives, associates and neighbors. While many are uncomfortable witnessing to strangers and some feel as if they don’t know enough about the Bible, FRANgelism (sharing personal testimonies in conversations with friends, relatives, associates
and neighbors) enables us to obey The Great Co-Mission. Personal testimonies are short, non-preachy stories about the move of God in our lives. Participants in this class will discover their evangelistic conversation style and learn how to start faith-sharing conversations with FRANs.
Requirements: Bible
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Carol Lynn Patterson
Duration: 8 weeks
Tuesdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Wildfire: How the gospel spread to the uttermost parts of the Earth (Part 2) This continuing bible study course engages the Book of Acts in an effort to retrace the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ from Jerusalem to the uttermost parts of the earth. Herein, students will become acquainted with pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit), timeless evangelism strategies, and a history of the early church.
Requirements: Bible
Facilitator: Rev. Justin Henderson
Duration: 8 weeks
Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Master Life Series – Disciple’s Personality – This returning Bible study course is designed to help Christians experience life in the Spirit and gain victory in their personal lives. We will study the six Biblical principles to become more Christlike in character and behavior.
Requirements: Bible; Book: MasterLife – Disciple’s Personality by Avery T. Willis
Facilitator: Min. Lynette Fields
Duration: 8 weeks
Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Abiding in the Vine: This returning Bible Study will cover a section in the Gospel of John known as the Farewell Discourse. The Farewell Discourse consists of the teachings of Jesus Christ to His disciples on the night before His crucifixion. Our scriptural text comes from the part of the discourse which identifies Jesus as the True Vine. Because Jesus speaks these words at a most solemn time in His life, the class will explore the significance of His sayings to our individual Christian lives today and the body of Christ. The class will spend time focusing on Jesus and endeavoring to capture what He taught about Himself, the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Community of Believers through his Farewell Discourse.
Requirement: Bible, Scriptural Foundation: John 15:1-17 NIV.
Facilitator: Rev. Mary Stevenson
Duration: 8weeks
Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
The Latter Days – A Study in the Book of Daniel. In this new Bible study course, we will be expanding our knowledge of the Book Of Daniel by examining the manner in which God has intervened in the affairs of the kingdoms of the earth and how He plans to establish His kingdom both on earth and in heaven in the latter days. Students will be reminded that Our Lord, Jesus Christ has instructed us to pray for the coming of His Father’s kingdom when He said ‘… Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven …’. We will also be referring to scripture passages that encourage us to look forward to the coming of Christ and to draw comfort from His promise that He is coming again. This class is suitable both for those who are familiar with the Book of Daniel as well as those who will be studying it for the first time.
Requirements: Bible
Facilitator: Mr. Arthur Mitchell
Duration: 12 weeks
Thursdays 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Will You 52: Living a Life of Praise, Prayer & Thanks – Have you ever looked up from the busyness of your life and saw that the days, weeks and months have passed by all too quickly? Are you looking for a way to spend time with God and be more intentional about connecting with others that you love? Would you like to incorporate praise, prayer, and thanks in your day-to-day life? This popular bible study course helps us to live more purposefully every week, every day and every moment, by realigning our thoughts and actions around praise, prayer, and thanks. The bible study examines God’s Word to invigorate our relationships with God and others through intercessory prayer. Scriptural Foundation is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, however, lessons will cover passages through Psalms, Matthew, Philippians, etc.
Requirements: Bible; Book: Will You 52?: Living a Life of Praise, Prayer, and Thanks by Cynthia Gipson Lee
Facilitator: Cynthia Gipson-Lee
Duration: 8 weeks