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Ash Wednesday

On March 5th, join us as we begin our churchwide fast and embrace the start of the Lenten season. Stop by our Ash Wednesday Drive-Thru from 12 PM to 4 PM, where clergy will be available to offer the imposition of ashes from your car. Then, gather with us at 7 PM for our Ash [READ MORE]

Ash Wednesday 

 Stop by our Ash Wednesday Drive-Thru from 12 PM to 4 PM to receive the imposition of ashes where clergy will be available to serve you at your car and then gather with us at 7 PM for our Ash Wednesday service.

Caregiver Support Group

On the second Saturday of every month, the Wellness and Care ministry hosts a virtual support group for caregivers. For more information, email

Youth Church & God’s Garden

Gods Garden and Youth Church are designed to allow children and youth to participate in corporate worship! We invite children (potty trained from ages 2 to 4 years old),  to join us in the Nursery and Youth (ages 5 to 13), to join us in the Chapel.

Future Moguls

Join us virtually on March 11th at 7 PM as Bilal Little, Director at the New York Stock Exhange, shares his presentation “Understanding Diversification with ETFs and Crypto. Click graphic to register. 

Event Series Table Talk

Table Talk

Table Talk is FBCLG Young Adult Bible Study, that will inspire, connect, and elevate your spiritual journey. Click on the graphic to register. 

Event Series Friday Night Live

Friday Night Live

Friday Night Live is the ultimate experience for youth ages 13-18! Beginning on March 14th join us every 2nd and 4th Friday from 7–9 PM at the FBCLG Youth Centre for a night filled with delicious food, exciting activities, meaningful fellowship, and an inspiring message. Click the graphic to register

Event Series Freedom School

Freedom School

Freedom school is back! In alignment with our corporate theme, Freedom School 2025's theme, Rekindle, Empower, Transform, calls us to rediscover our God-given gifts, live boldly in our faith, and lean into the work of building a better world.  Join us for our winter session February 15th – April 5th. Click here to register!

Event Series FBCLG Tutoring

FBCLG Tutoring

Does your child need extra help in school or need to improve their grades? Could your child use assistance with writing that college essay or with SAT prep? Academic Excellence ministry offers individualized tutoring and educational activities for Students K-12. Academic Excellence also offers TUTORING OPPORTUNITIES for adults, college students, and high school Juniors and [READ MORE]

Event Series Bereavement Circle

Bereavement Circle

The Bereavement Circle is a safe space for those who are bereaved, to share, connect, and grow.  This event takes place every Tuesday at 7pm. This is a virtual event. Click the graphic to register.

Event Series Safe Space

Safe Space

This sacred space is a peer-led support group that provides support, resources, empowerment, and education to families with loved ones with mental health challenges. It will be facilitated by peers with their own lived-experience supporting a family member(s) with mental health challenges. The goal is to offer families impacted, space to share their trials and [READ MORE]

Event Series Low Impact High Cardio

Low Impact High Cardio

Get moving with our low-impact, high energy, and cardio strength training class designed to improve your fitness and overall well-being! The next class will take place January 21st  from 7:15-8:15PM. This class takes place EVERY Tuesday. Spread the word and tell a friend to join the fun! Workout shoes are required. 

Event Series Senior Fellowship

Senior Fellowship

Come and join our Senior Fellowship every Thursday from 9 am to 12 pm in the fellowship hall! Join in person or over Zoom.  It's for people 55 and over, who are young at heart. Join them for a continental breakfast, praise and worship, Bible Study, exercise, pertinent information, fellowship, and trips! For further details, kindly [READ MORE]