The New Jersey Office of the Public Defender (NJOPD), First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens (FBCLG), Assemblyman Joe Danielsen of New Jersey Legislative District 17, and Somerset County are excited to announce their partnership in hosting a transformative expungement clinic titled, “Clean Slate.” This community-focused event will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 10 am to 2 pm at FBCLG, 771 Somerset Street, in Somerset.
During the clinic, attendees will have the opportunity to receive one-on-one consultations with experienced NJOPD attorneys and legal professionals at no cost. The staff will provide guidance on expungement eligibility, assist with completing necessary paperwork, and share information about additional legal resources and support available in the Somerset area and beyond.
“NJOPD is proud to team up with our wonderful partners and offer meaningful support to those looking to clear their criminal records and make a fresh start,” said Assistant Public Defender Fletcher Duddy. “Our goal is to simplify the expungement process and break down barriers, helping individuals take a significant step toward creating a brighter future for themselves and their families.”
“FBCLG believes growth is a fundamental element of the human personality! This second chance opens a door to such,” said Reverend Quick. “We are pleased to enter this partnership and encourage the members of our community to dare to create a new opportunity.”
“I am very pleased to join with my partners to sponsor Clean Slate in my legislative district. Clean Slate allows for a new window of opportunity for my constituents to have a new beginning to their lives,” said Assemblyman Danielsen.
“Having minor convictions on a criminal record can make it hard for people to find jobs in an economy where many families are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table,” said Somerset County Commissioner Director Shanel Y. Robinson. “Somerset County is honored to partner with Assemblyman Danielsen, the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, and the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens on a community event that offers residents free one-on-one support and resources for navigating the expungement process, and for unlocking new employment and housing opportunities.”
The Clean Slate clinic is open to the public, but attendees are encouraged to RSVP to ensure adequate accommodations. Those who plan to attend and speak with an attorney about a possible expungement should bring any information they have about the case they are hoping to address. However, if that information is not available, it can be retrieved electronically at the clinic.